An Old Hymn

July 9, 2021 – Hot summer night; takes me back. I spent some part of 7 summers when I was growing up living and working on the farm in East Tennessee with my grandparents. Sometimes, in the deepening evening after a long day of work, I'd go to the old pump organ in the living room and play some old hymns, including this one. From the porch adjacent, out of my sight, I'd hear my granddad take up the the melody, my grandmother join in the alto part, and I'd fill in either the tenor or bass. We NEVER, ever spoke about this, but we all did it and loved it profoundly, and connected in such a deep and meaningful way that transformed life forever, I'd like to think, perhaps not just that of the teenager at the keyboard. I am forever grateful.




A Tractor Ride Around the Barn