#3 – Happily Out of Order

March 20, 2022

I did some hand-written journaling during my week at the farm, capturing some of the activities of each day and some thoughts, memories, and ideas. I’m realizing that in assembling these posts, along with the photos, things are not quite in the order that they actually happened.

I’m okay with that. I’ve gotten much more comfortable with non-linearity, and with paradoxes. Allowing mystery to be as it is. Here’s a short entry from the journal, written on the same day as I took this time-lapse of the clouds flying over the lake. (This is my own paraphrase/interpretation of some ideas presented by a writer named Shiv Sengupta.)

“The mind – instead of controlling it or taming it, set it free. Free to roam, free to dream, free to gather, re-assemble; free to create. Instead of DISCIPLINING it, support, encourage, and profoundly TRUST it. It prefers freedom to a constrained cage; it’s more at ease, more agile. (It’s still possible to focus when needed; as my patient wife will confirm, I am capable of a really exclusionary hyper-focus, especially when composing music or editing audio or video.) It’s also then more capable of true rest, true quiet; a deeper quiet than could ever possibly be imposed by the will. Allow.”


#4 – First Things


#2 – Friday/Saturday