Mother’s Day

May 9, 2021 – Took my first trip back to the farm this past week, enjoying a social media and almost-all-pixels break. Was lovely sitting in the dark and quiet in the countryside and watching the light leave the sky and the fireflies ascend. I slept in my mom's room, about on the spot that we shared our final hug last year, with her sitting up at the side of the bed for one of her last times. Far from being creeped-out, I found the experience absolutely enveloping, connective, deeply moving. I reveled in the energies of my parents and grandparents (3 of the 4 of them died in that room).

For my Mom, my wife, and all mothers out there, a belated happy day. I got some flowers for you, picked in the fields above the house.


A Tractor Ride Around the Barn